Hiking in the Kitzbüheler Alpen

No matter if young or old - here everyone will have fun hiking!

There are countless routes and hiking trails in and around the gentle grassy mountains and alpine meadows of the Kitzbüheler Alpen and the majestic Wilder Kaiser. The network of hiking trails covering some 2,500 km in the four holiday regions of Brixental, Hohe Salve, St. Johann in Tirol and PillerseeTal is perfectly developed and easily accessible. Well signposted routes lead up to around 2,500 m above sea level. The range of options spans from easy hikes in the valley to excursions aided by cable car all the way to alpine tours up to remote summits. Add to this a wide range of climbing options.

A wonderful "door-opener" for 14 panoramic mountain is in the region of the Kitzbüheler Alpen Sommer Card - valid for all 31 summer lifts of the Kitzbüheler Alpen. This cheap and attractive leisure ticket gives you access to the convenient lifts and cable cars. The ticket is also good for conquering the Kitzbüheler Alpen Mountain adventure worlds. These are 10 in number. They include "coveted" mountain destinations for a magical journeys of discovery, featuring dinos, witches, spirits and nature.

Exciting adventure worlds for the whole family

  • Climbing forest Hornpark in St. Johann in Tirol
  • Hohe Salve - Tyrol's most scenic lookout mountain
  • Triassic Park on the Steinplatte in Waidring
  • Alpinolino - the Discovery Park for kids in Westendorf
  • Enchanting Lake Filzalmsee in Brixen im Thale
  • ...and many more attractions and destinations are waiting for you!

And here they are: "Tyrol's best mountain adventure worlds" ...

  • Hornpark climbing forest in St. Johann in Tirol
    The children's climbing course in the Hornpark climbing forest in St. Johann in Tirol is also super
  • PillerseeTal - Triassic Park Waidring Steinplatte
    Triassic Park on the Steinplatte in Waidring
  • View from the Hohe Salve - Hopfgarten mountain adventure world
    The Hohe Salve offers wonderful views of the entire alpine world.

Detailed information on the Kitzbüheler Alpen hiking paradise on: 'kitzalps.com'

'Einfach bärig!' = Simply great! - Kirchberg, Hopfgarten, St. Johann in Tirol or Fieberbrunn.
