Many thanks for your enquiry!
We have received your enquiry.
You will soon receive bespoke offers from landlords for your winter holiday in the Kitzbüheler Alps.
The "from-prices" listed on the offer page are per package for certain time periods and availability is limited.
In the meantime please "browse" our homepage at and plan your holiday in the mountains in Tirol.
We hope you have an unforgettable stay!
the Kitzbüheler Alpen Service Team
Tel. 0043 57507
P.S.: If there is something that you find particularly good then just call that 'bärig'. For your holiday with us will certainly be: 'Einfach bärig'! = Simply great!
Look forward to Tirol hospitality in 20 charming towns in the Kitzbüheler Alps:
e. g.: Kirchberg, Hopfgarten, St. Johann in Tirol and Fieberbrunn!